Introducing Eyelevel's Young Canada Works Employees
Eyelevel's small but mighty team has doubled in size! We are incredibly happy to have Alek Green with us until November as our YCW Programming and Outreach Intern, and Emma Oliver until the end of August as our YCW Summer Programming Assistant. They will be sharing the programming workload over the summer while also assisting Cinthia and Sally with daily operations here at Eyelevel. Alek will be taking a leading role in brainstorming and preparing some exciting fundraisers (stay tuned!), and Emma will be taking the lead on HEAT WAVES, Eyelevel's annual mini-residency program. Some further information about both of them can be found below, and you'll find out more about them and their roles as time goes on!
Alek (he/him) is a queer artist and writer, usually working within the realms of sound art and composition. He's excited to spend the next few months becoming more involved in the vibrant community created by artist-run centres in Kjipuktuk. Alek can be reached at
Emma (she/they) is a MA student in Dalhousie’s Classics department, where she’s researching the ties between foreign language and cultural identity in antiquity. They’re very into learning about translation theory, multilingualism, and the cultural and communal powers that language holds. Emma is also a knitter and event programming nerd, so she’s very excited to spend the summer helping with the planning and execution of cool art events with and for cool art folks! Emma can be reached at