Women at Eye Level
Peggy Dixon has three paintings in the exhibit in her well-known abstract-expressionist style. Also included here is a new piece using convex mirrors called “Binoculars”. The painting represents a pair of binoculars and the viewer sees himself in the picture. Joyce Hanson has on view a series of charcoal drawings titled “Rema Numbers 1 through 5”. These show the female figure in a variety of poses on a large scale. Marjatta Heinonen hails from Finland where she also studied weaving. Her three pieces in the show are actually tapestries and can only be described as sumptuous. Alison Parsons who teaches textile design at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design has three large batiks in the exhibit. Inspired by a male singer she adores these works treat the male figure with the same adulation that the female form has been treated with through the ages. Brigitte Petersmann studied in Germany but her subject matter is very Canadian. She shows a large painting titled “Quebec Farm” which depicts the farm in Winter. Another painting shows us a window pane that has an icy look to it. Dotti Willis exhibits two types of art: oil paintings of the Nova Scotian landscape and montages which have a surrealistic flavor. The landscapes are rather small and very personal renditions of the parts of the province she loves. The montages have altogether different feel to them and relates strongly to work of Max Ernst.
Artists include: