Studio #4 and #5 available starting September 1st!
Eyelevel lightly juries expressions of interest in our studios, selections are made by the Artistic Director and Eyelevel's current residents. Eyelevel Studios are located at 2177 Gottingen St. (above Radstorm) and are accessible 24 hours a day. Studio Residents have their own designated walled-off...
Welcome Braelyn and Audrey!
Eyelevel is beyond excited to introduce you to these two brilliant lovelies that have joined our team! Welcome Braelyn and Audrey! Braelyn Cyr will be working with us for the next 7 months as our Mamanaw Pekiskwewina | Mother Tongues Assistant Curator. During her time with Eyelevel, Braelyn will be...
Eyelevel 2021 Annual General Meeting
Eyelevel invites all members to our annual general meeting, happening on June 22nd, 2021 at 6PM Atlantic Time. Join us online on zoom here - all attendees will be entered into a raffle for a swag bag from our bookstore . View or Download the AGM package here ... Eyelevel's board has room for one...
We're Hiring! Summer Programs Coordinator (YCW)
Eyelevel is seeking applications for a fun, vibrant, community-centred position: our Summer Programs Coordinator. This position works closely with the Artistic Director at Eyelevel’s office and bookstore at 2482 Maynard Street, a multi-tenant art space shared with local artists, The Blue Building...
JOB CALL: MAMANAW PEKISKWEWINA | MOTHER TONGUES ASSISTANT CURATOR Eyelevel is seeking applications from Indigenous artists and arts-workers from across Mi'kma'ki to work in collaboration with Truck Contemporary Art’s Curatorial Resident to develop the Halifax iteration of the project Mamanaw...
Call for a Board Secretary
Eyelevel Artist Run Centre is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for a new Secretary. The Secretary is one of the four executive positions on our Board of Directors (along with the Co-Chairs and Treasurer) and is responsible for ensuring that all records and documents for Eyelevel’s board are...
Job Call: Bookstore & Inventory Technician
Eyelevel is seeking applications for a 16-week, part-time contract position to help us catalogue our bookstore inventory and set up a new online bookstore and inventory management system in collaboration with FAVA's AMS Network project! Applications due January 25th: Submit a 1-page cover letter...
Announcing Eyelevel's new Mandate, Mission and Values!
Starting in April, Eyelevel's Board of Directors began a series of development workshops which concluded with a weekend-long visioning retreat in August. The goal of this retreat was to lay the groundwork for re-writing Eyelevel's guiding visioning documents: a new mandate and 3-year strategic plan...
Book your visit to Eyelevel!
We're so excited to show OBJECT HISTORIES in our space! In order to make our space and this exhibition more easily accessible, and to accommodate visitors with additional health needs, Eyelevel is starting by-appointment visits. Eyelevel's staff will meet you at our location at 2482 Maynard St You...
Programming Update
HEAT WAVES #5 | Jean Mary Serutoke
Our last HEAT WAVES artist is coming in hot! We're so pleased to welcome Jean Mary Serutoke as our next artist in residence. Jean will be at Eyelevel from September 7th to September 19th. Keep an eye on our Instagram for posts by Jean while she's in residence. Jean Mary Serutoke (she/her) is an...