HEAT WAVES: Summer Micro-residencies at Eyelevel

Eyelevel is looking for applications to our summer mini-residency program, HEAT WAVES!

HEAT WAVES provides artists at **all stages** of their careers with:

  • Free 24-hour access to our Member’s Nook (workspace) for 2 weeks

  • Free 24-hour access to our Flex Room (studio/gallery/screening room) for 2 weeks

  • Free access to Eyelevel’s arts & crafts supplies and tools

  • A budget of $200 to be used however you like

  • Promotional support from our Artistic Director and Program Assistant

  • A 1-year membership to Eyelevel which begins at the start of your residency

Artists who apply are not expected to make finished work or hold an exhibition of any kind, but our staff will be here to help you get the word out about any shows or events that you would like to have.

HEAT WAVES will have 5 available spots, which will be during these dates:

  1. June 17 - June 30

  2. July 1 - July 14

  3. July 15 - July 28

  4. July 29 - August 11

  5. August 11 - August 25

HEAT WAVES will be “soft-juried,” we will be looking at applications with these values in mind:

  • You have never shown at Eyelevel

  • You can work within our available time slots

  • The resources that we have match the resources that you need

  • You do not have easy access to a studio, gallery or production space right now

  • Priority is given to artists who identify as BIPOC, QPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+ and/or artists who currently feel unable to access professional arts organizations.



All applications can be submitted through a google form found here: https://forms.gle/6JkeLkTMHK9RA5e98.

If you would like to apply in person, over the phone or by email, that's fine too! Directions are further down. 

Please answer the following questions and submit your application by JUNE 9TH @ MIDNIGHT:

  1. Basic ID information:

    • Name

    • email address

    • phone number

    • pronouns

    • Preferred communication method (email, phone, text)

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, what kind of art do you make?

  2. How would you like to use the space? If you are using it as a studio, what do you want to make, what materials do you need to use?

  3. How do you want Eyelevel to support you? - are you looking for promotional support, feedback on your work, community involvement… etc.

  4. Which of the available time spots work for you?

  5. Is there anything else that you would like to mention?

  6. Send us a couple of images of your work or a link to a website/ whichever platform you use to share your work

Eyelevel wants to make applying for this program as easy as possible. Our ideal way to accept applications is through the google form, but you can respond to these questions by contacting us through the following methods:

  • Email us at director@eyelevel.art with your answers in the body of the email, as a word document, pdf, audio, or video file

  • Call us at 902-425-6412 for a phone interview/pitch

  • Visit us at 100-5663 Cornwallis St. Halifax NS

Contact us if you have any questions! We can’t wait to hear from you!