The inside cover and first page of a guest book. A sticker on the inside cover reads "Eye Level Gallery, 5785 West Street, Off Agricola just North of the Commons, Halifax, Nova Scotia" The first page of the guest book, with "Peggy's Cove Syndrome" written in capital letters at the top of the page, comprises three columns, reading "date," "name," and "address," from left to right. Twelve guests have signed the page, all of which have been dated November 30, 1974.

Press release about the opening of Eye Level Gallery (see below for full transcription)

Press release continues (see below for full transcription)

A hole-punched piece of paper advertising Peggy's Cove Syndrome. There is a circular image of an outline rendering of Peggy's Cove. Directly below is text which reads "Peggy's Cove Syndrome, Eye Level Gallery, five seven eight five West Street, Halifax, November thirtieth to December eighteenth, seventy four. Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, eleven to two; Thursday, Friday, four to seven".

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Peggy's Cove Syndrome

30 Nov – 18 Dec 1974

This invitational exhibit will contain pieces by approximately twenty serious artists who do not normally work in the seascape genre. The exhibition will range from serigraphs to slides to a “stuffed” painting of Peggy’s Cove.

“We are interested in displaying some of the possibilities that still exist in this rather-worn theme.”


Image Description: Slides two and three are a press release printed on white, hole-punched paper with a staple at the top left of the page. The page header reads, "Eye Level, two one five eight Upper Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Press Release, For Immediate Publication, November first nineteen seventy four." The press release reads "The Canada Council has funded a new local co-operative art gallery to be called EYE LEVEL GALLERY which will open late this month.

This will be a unique gallery in that it will be directed by artists living in Nova Scotia. The work shown will be innovative, contemporary work.

Located next to Pier One Theatre at two one five eight Upper Water Street, the gallery is a short walk from downtown Halifax and there is plenty of adjacent parking.

The first show, opening November twenty second, nineteen seventy four, will be "Peggy's Cove Syndrome." This invitational exhibit will contain pieces by approximately twenty serious artists who do not normally work in the seascape genre. The exhibition will range from serigraphs to slides to a "stuffed" painting of Peggy's Cove.

On view through December fourteenth, the public is welcome to visit the gallery. Hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from eleven to two, and Thursdays and Fridays from four to seven P.M.

There will be memberships in the gallery open to any artist living in the province and costing five dollars per year. Members will be entitles to submit proposals for exhibitions and only members will be eligible for shows.

The Board of Directors, consisting of six artists and four non-artists will choose the exhibits and determine policy. The board for the first two years is as follows: Roger Savage, a printmaker from Liverpool; David Haigh, a sculptor and painter from Spryfield; Julia Schmitt Healy, a painter living in Halifax; Joyce Hanson, a painter residing in Windsor; John Greer, a sculptor from Bridgewater; Karl MacKeeman, and printmaker and painter living in Rockingham. The non-artists serving on the board are Mary Kenny, a photographer from Halifax; Keith Laws, an accountant living in Halifax; Haddie Prentice, a writer residing in East Lawrencetown; and Donald Purdy, a businessman from Three Fathom Harbour.

To join the co-operative please write the gallery at two one five eight Upper Water Street, Halifax Nova Scotia."