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The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs

6 Sep – 11 Oct 2008

As part of the Go North! Studio and Gallery Tour and Photopolis: The Halifax Festival of Photography, Eyelevel Gallery proudly presents a two-person exhibition featuring artists Tanya Busse (Halifax) and Kim Waldron (Montreal). In this exhibition, both artists employ appropriated imagery (taken from collections of found and personal photographs) to create and re-construct visual narrative. Similarly, both Busse and Waldron investigate the ways in which the practice of photography is used to capture, preserve and alter the passage of time.

 Kim Waldron's The Dad Tapes / The Mom Photographs is comprised of two new artworks titled Sunsets (2007) and Chronology (2007). The video projection, Chronology, compiles an hour of short clips that track a 30 year history of simultaneous recordings: her father's videotaping and her mother's photographing of her family. In the second work, Sunsets, Waldron similarly uses her parent's taping and photography to examine their repetitive preoccupation with capturing the "timeless" subject of the sunset. While the intention of the documents was to preserve these moments forever, both artworks underline the bittersweet sensation of loss and futility within the whole process of documentation.

Born in Montreal, Kim Waldron graduated from NSCAD University in 2003. Her art practice, focused almost exclusively on photographic self-portraiture, combines real subjects with fictional situations in order to question contemporary social dynamics. She has exhibited across Canada, most notably at Khyber Centre for the Arts, Gallery 44, Art Gallery of Windsor, and Eastern Edge Gallery. She recently returned from a three month residency in Vienna offered by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. In 2009 she will begin an MFA in Photography at Hunter College in New York.