AlterEye Works: Exploring Patterns
Ogembo’s paintings are rich with vibrant colors that reference the state of the African environment. She is inspired by the theme African women and applies, unconventional, engaging and refute the negative stereotype placed on the African woman. Sometimes she paints topics that are of interest to her as a counterpoint to her usual theme.
Mary Ogembo is a Kenyan born artist who has been working as a fulltime artist since 1998. Recently she moved to Halifax and is currently pursuing her BFA at NSCAD University. In 2005. She won the Commonwealth Arts and Craft Award and worked in Ghana as a resident artist for a period of six months at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Her work has been widely recognized by local media in Kenya and other countries by groups including the South African Broadcasting Corporation, featuring Africa within, CNN Inside Africa 2011 and others.